Many in India...
...are yearning for the truth.
God's Word is life-changing truth.
God's Word brings the good news of love, joy, and eternal salvation.
For just $5 per Bible*, you can put the Word of God into the hands of Christians and those who are interested in studying the message that brings life.
Donate to provide one Bible, a thousand, or anywhere in between.
Or text Bibles4India to 44321

Your donation is tax deductible.

Bibles For India
Bibles4India is dedicated in placing the Bible into the hands of poor Christians and those interested in studying God's word in India.
When you donate, 100% of what we receive will go to the purchase and distribution of Bibles. Zero overhead. Those costs are covered by other sources.
This site is sponsored and operated by International Sanctuary Ministries (AKA Sanctuary Home for Children), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductable.
Why Bibles?
The Bible is the inspired Word of God. Through the words of the Bible, we learn of God's overwhelming love for His people. We learn of the plan of salvation He gave us. It is based on forgiveness, not through animal sacrifices (as required of old), but through the agonizing death of His own, perfect, beloved Son—one sacrifice for all. But people cannot attain that salvation if they do not accept His invitation. They cannot accept if they have no access to His Word. Additionally, people who have accepted need to continually study the Word for their personal and spiritual growth and development as Christians.
Why India?
India is a Hindu nation. While there are many wonderful Hindu people, they are not people who are saved by Christ's blood. As Christians, we want all to be saved. We are not angry, violent, controlling, or intolerant. We simply have a heartfelt desire for these good people to experience the joy and salvation that Jesus gives to all.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. John 3:16-17
Why Give?
How many of us will physically travel to foreign lands to preach the gospel and follow the "great commission" (Matthew 28:19-20)? If we can't do that ourselves, then what can we do to support efforts of those who can? In 1 Corinthians 12, we are told that, as Christians, we are one body, but made up of many parts. And in Romans 12, we are told that, as Christians, we have different gifts. So if we don't personally have the gift or the opportunity to travel and preach, we can still use other gifts (generosity, encouragement, etc.) to support those who part of the body supporting another.
Just a few notes about our process
It would be cost-prohibitive to purchase Bibles in the States, then ship them to India. While Bibles aren't readily available in India, we have people in India who can make a special order of Bibles in the native language. When we get substantial funding (for example, we may wait until we accumulate $15,000 or $20,000 through donations), we place an order, receive the Bibles, then distribute the Bibles through our sources in India. At this time, Bibles cost around $5 each* through bulk order. We appreciate any donation, whether you are able to gift one Bible or a thousand.​ Our desire is for our dear Indian friends to learn that Jesus died for them, to come to Christ after studying the word of God, and to experience the joy of their salvation in this life and the one to come.
If you choose to donate, we appreciate your gift very much. Please know that, by giving, you will be spreading the Word of God in India.
May God bless you in your giving.
Or text Bibles4India to 44321
Your donation is tax deductible. is sponsored and operated by International Sanctuary Ministries, Inc. (AKA Sanctuary Home for Children). We are a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Sanctuary Ministries began in 2006 by opening a children's home in Tenali, India, with just five children. Since that time, we have grown in numbers and in scope, as God has shown us direction. Our children's home (now with a new campus on five acres) now accommodates over 100 children. We help widows. We help a group of Christians who live in a leper colony. We provide fresh drinking water (through the drilling of water wells) to dozens of poor villages. As we currently work with over 100 congregations of Christians, we support many native ministers in their efforts, and we support seven full-time evangelists. We provide meals and a non-accredited school for children living in a slum area. (These kids would not have any education at all if not for our efforts.) We do more, as God provides opportunity and means. We are praying for God's wisdom and guidance in all that we do.
To learn more about Sanctuary Ministries, go to
*The cost of Bibles will depend on the size and timing of our order. Our best estimate is that the Bibles will cost between $4.00 and $5.50 the next time we place an order. Regardless of the price of Bibles when we order, ALL money received—100%—will go to purchase and distribute Bibles. If Bibles cost less than $5 each, then we will be able to purchase more Bibles. If they are higher than $5, we will purchase fewer. Regardless of the cost to purchase, all money received will be used for this purpose.